Creating a package
Here’s an example package definition. It takes a name, and you
probably want to :use
the Common Lisp symbols and functions.
(defpackage :my-package
(:use :cl))
To start writing code for this package, go inside it:
(in-package :my-package)
Accessing symbols from a package
As soon as you have defined a package or loaded one (with Quicklisp,
or if it was defined as a dependency in your .asd
definition), you can access its symbols with package:a-symbol
, or
with a double colon if the symbol is not exported:
Now we can choose to import individual symbols to access them right away, without the package prefix.
Importing symbols from another package
You can import exactly the symbols you need with :import-from
(defpackage :my-package
(:import-from :ppcre :regex-replace)
(:use :cl))
Sometimes, we see (:import-from :ppcre)
, without an explicit
import. This helps people using ASDF’s package inferred system.
About “use”-ing packages being a bad practice
is a well spread idiom. You could do:
(defpackage :my-package
(:use :cl :ppcre))
and now, all symbols that are exported by cl-ppcre
(aka ppcre
are available to use directly in your package. However, this should be
considered bad practice, unless you use
another package of your
project that you control. Indeed, if the external package adds a
symbol, it could conflict with one of yours, or you could add one
which will hide the external symbol and you might not see a warning.
To quote this thorough explanation (a recommended read):
USE is a bad idea in contemporary code except for internal packages that you fully control, where it is a decent idea until you forget that you mutate the symbol of some other package while making that brand new shiny DEFUN. USE is the reason why Alexandria cannot nowadays even add a new symbol to itself, because it might cause name collisions with other packages that already have a symbol with the same name from some external source.
List all Symbols in a Package
Common Lisp provides some macros to iterate through the symbols of a
package. The two most interesting are:
iterates over the
symbols accessible in the package and DO-EXTERNAL-SYMBOLS
only iterates over
the external symbols (you can see them as the real package API).
To print all exported symbols of a package named “PACKAGE”, you can write:
(do-external-symbols (s (find-package "PACKAGE"))
(print s))
You can also collect all these symbols in a list by writing:
(let (symbols)
(do-external-symbols (s (find-package "PACKAGE"))
(push s symbols))
Or you can do it with LOOP
(loop for s being the external-symbols of (find-package "PACKAGE")
collect s)
Package nickname
Nickname Provided by Packages
When defining a package, it is trivial to give it a nickname for better user
experience. The following example is a snippet of PROVE
(defpackage prove
(:nicknames :cl-test-more :test-more)
(:export :run
Afterwards, a user may use nickname instead of the package name to refer to this package. For example:
Please note that although Common Lisp allows defining multiple nicknames for one package, too many nicknames may bring maintenance complexity to the users. Thus the nicknames shall be meaningful and straightforward. For example:
(defpackage #:iterate
(:nicknames #:iter))
(defpackage :cl-ppcre
(:nicknames :ppcre)
Package Local Nicknames (PLN)
Sometimes it is handy to give a local name to an imported package to save some typing, especially when the imported package does not provide nice nicknames.
Many implementations (SBCL, CCL, ECL, Clasp, ABCL, ACL, LispWorks >= 7.2…) support Package Local Nicknames (PLN).
(defpackage :mypackage
(:use :cl)
(:local-nicknames (:nickname :original-package-name)
(:alex :alexandria)
(:re :cl-ppcre)))
(in-package :mypackage)
;; You can use :nickname instead of :original-package-name
(nickname:some-function "a" "b")
The effect of PLN
is totally within mypackage
i.e. the nickname
won’t work in other packages unless defined there too. So, you don’t have to worry about unintended package name clash in other libraries.
Another facility exists for adding nicknames to packages. The function RENAME-PACKAGE
can be used to replace the name and nicknames of a package. But it’s use would mean that other libraries may not be able to access the package using the original name or nicknames. There is rarely any situation to use this. Use Package Local Nicknames instead.
Package locks
The package common-lisp
and SBCL internal implementation packages are locked
by default, including sb-ext
In addition, any user-defined package can be declared to be locked so that it cannot be modified by the user. Attempts to change its symbol table or redefine functions which its symbols name result in an error.
More detailed information can be obtained from documents of SBCL and CLisp.
For example, if you try the following code:
(asdf:load-system :alexandria)
(rename-package :alexandria :alex)
You will get the following error (on SBCL):
Lock on package ALEXANDRIA violated when renaming as ALEX while
in package COMMON-LISP-USER.
[Condition of type PACKAGE-LOCKED-ERROR]
See also:
SBCL Manual, Package Locks [:node]
0: [CONTINUE] Ignore the package lock.
1: [IGNORE-ALL] Ignore all package locks in the context of this operation.
2: [UNLOCK-PACKAGE] Unlock the package.
3: [RETRY] Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request.
4: [*ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level.
5: [ABORT] abort thread (#<THREAD "repl-thread" RUNNING {10047A8433}>)
If a modification is required anyway, a package named cl-package-lock can be used to ignore package locks. For example:
(rename-package :alexandria :alex))
See also
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